Monday, March 3, 2025

AOT: Opinion - HOAs

 My whole adult life I’ve lived in an HOA community.  I’m now on my fourth, though my third as a participating and paying adult (my first was as a high school and then college person with her family).  The longer I’m in an HOA the more I wish HOAs were managed by the city with 1 (maybe 2, based on size) reps elected by the community to represent the community in the city board.  Why?  The main reason:  Consistency.

Our first HOA as an adult was as a couple - one of seven units in the building.  It landed on us to manage and we had to hunt down dues at times, try to get lawyers involved, and as a 26yo, why were we in the position doing that?  We also realized while we’re incredibly responsible, not everyone is, and I didn’t trust my money with any other neighbor, and we were tired of fighting the neighbors for basic HOA compliance.  So we agreed to go big! Big community where we didn’t have to be involved.

After 5 years in a 6-building and hundreds-of-people complex, we weren’t opposed to HOAs but each building had such different dilemmas hearing people complain at meetings was exhausting.  They never saw the community as a whole and only looked at their individual, myopic view.  And we found that odd.  Home value is based on the whole area not just one home, so why wouldn’t you want to consider everyone?

So when we moved states we thought maybe we’d get away from them, but we ended in another one as they’re incredibly common in our current city.  We’ve looked at some homes over the years in this area and some have private roads for only 4 people, or retaining ponds or walls for under 10.  And when we ask the realtors they’re like , “oh, you’ll just manage it with your neighbors” like it’s no big deal.  My husband and I flash back to those 7-unit days, shudder and exit as quickly as possible.

But even in my community people still argue over the big and small, some thinking about the whole and some only about their small portion where their home is.  Some talk about how we’re better than other communities and others how were worse.  Some about how maintenance things should be picked up by the city and others about how we’re not keeping up enough with the city.

And that’s when I started wondering why HOAs aren’t managed by the city.  Cities already have rules about behavior and what is and isn’t allowed.  And if you like an area / town it probably has something to do with those overall rules.  But if HOAs were managed by the town, there would be a potential for more consistency - a 20-30 year plan and schedule for when roofs and siding would get replaced, which codes have to be followed, and if something were out of code it’s not a debate between neighbors about “if” because the city would dictate “when”.  And by having a rep from the community the city could think about the nuance of the project and needs - if your balconies are crumbling maybe part of the debate could be allowing your neighbors to elect which payment plan they prefer; which color they prefer for the paint, etc.  if you dislike something, go to your city rep or write or call the actual city board.  It would stop putting neighbors against one another, and it would put maintaining a standard at the city level.  It might even reduce the number of HOAs because cities would already oversee enough that new communities wouldn’t be incentivised to privatise the group of homes.

All that said, I see all the arguments for having an HOA for the community and have it separate from the city - tighter consistency, possibly more potential in your voice being heard if there’s a problem…but I also challenge you to look at listings on Zillow in HOA rich communities and see how many say “No HOA!!!” …with often more than 1 exclamation point.  

It’s just interesting.  The give and take and the perspective changes that occur as you live and grow in different locations.  We all hope for the best.

Friday, February 14, 2025

LMOH: Valentine's Day

Happy Day of Love to everyone.  This isn't how the day was always celebrated, as it has quite a mysterious past (Roman? Christian? Something else entirely?). But whether you think of it as a day of love, fertility, or something different, there's no denying into today's world, it has a definitive moment.

That said, not everyone approaches Valentine's Day with joy.  Years where I didn't have a Valentine, I just wanted this day to pass by quickly.  Now that I do, we've worked really hard to keep it low key and unassuming, exchanging only cards and a kiss.  We treat each other to gifts on birthdays and then big gifts we need or want become "multi event gifts" (e.g. anniversary + Xmas, etc).  Why?  Historically money - we've been frugal and focused heavily on savings, so we, instead, stretch a gift that's bigger and meaningful across many events and work to make days like today small, focused, more about just being together and enjoying a special cup of coffee or takeout and a movie instead of adding another big event into the year.

But Valentine's Day doesn't just have to be about the partner in your life.  And that's where this day can be truly beautiful.  Make a friend or family member feel special with a card or phone call. Maybe even a surprise cup of coffee.  Have a dog or cat? Give them a big hug and snuggle tightly, because to them, every day is Valentine's Day, as you are the most important thing in their whole world.  

The point is, don't buy into the commercial nature of the day to find your joy and validation.  You're enough as you are, and sharing love doesn't take money.  It takes a smile, a little bit of time, and something that shows you recognize another.  

Happy Valentine's Day!  *hugs*

Thursday, January 23, 2025

AOT: Broke in Your 30s vs Your 20s

I brought this up with my husband the other day, and then more recently with my friends who all seemed to echo similar sentiments.  I'm approaching 40, and as I think back on my 20s and 30s, one thing seemed odd to me in a way I hadn't anticipated.  I've always been prone to stressing about my finances, every since my mom died and we were thrown into the very real pool of being incredibly broke without her income and with her medical (and other) bills to pay off.  It happened when I was 21 and ever since then you could almost say I've been hyper vigilant about staying out of debt and above water since then.  Yes, there is some debt I had to undertake (student loans, mortgage) but my husband and I steer clear of other debt like CC debt, the kind that comes with an interest rate.  Even my student loans were a beast to pay off.

So as we were walking the other day I looked at him and said, "You know, it's funny.  I thought my 30s would be awesome because we'd 'have more money and freedom,' but like, no.  I'm not broke like I was in my 20s, but I'm broke in a new way, in an 'I'm trying to save for the future and not go into debt while also not living on ramen and saltines only and everyday' kind of way, and it's utterly exhausting."

To my surprise, he and my friends have all echoed similar scenarios back.  Yes, compound that with COVID in 2020 and a slew of other mishaps that peppered the last two decades for millennials, and it almost seems odd that we would have or should have expected anything else.  But between trying to plan for a retirement that may or may not exist and may or may not include social security, pay off student debt which feels like digging yourself out of quicksand, and for some of my friends looking at raising kids and/or going through divorce, and/or losing parents and paying estate fees and attorney fees and moving's all quite berating.  It makes me realize I should give myself and other people within a decade of my age more grace to feel numb or annoyed or frustrated or, or or...more often.  

Anyway, I hope you're finding things are going well for you, but if you feel like you're spinning in a vortex of Groundhog's Day (like the movie) and wondering when your bank account will read a number that makes you think "hey, I could splurge and not be at zero!", just know you're not alone.  Wishing you some peace in what's started as a very chaotic year as well.

Friday, January 17, 2025

LMOH: Long Weekend Vibes

 Mmmm, waking up today and realizing a long weekend is ahead is one of the best feelings.  I already love waking up on Fridays because it means it's "special coffee" day (aka we save our Nespresso for the weekends based on a long tradition of making Fridays and weekends special).  And then waking up AND realizing that on top of Special Coffee Friday it's also going to be a long weekend?!  Hello, happiness!

What special things do you have planned (or enjoy doing) on long weekends?

Friday, January 10, 2025

Food: Chicken Wings FTW

So, for the holidays we had a houseful of 7 for 6 days.  I had a lot to make so one day I just got a bunch of chicken wings to bake.  Yes bake.  And they were a HUGE hit.  Everyone kept asking what I did because they tasted great, and one of the people at the house, like me, doesn't love when chicken wings are dipped or slathered in sauce.  We like them simple and yummy.

Now, the recipe seems too simple, but I promise if you bake them long enough, they taste fantastic!


- Chicken wings

- Salt


- Preheat oven to 425

- Lay chicken wings skin side up on a pan (which I also covered in parchment paper because it makes for easier clean up, but that's your call)

- Sprinkle salt on the top of all chicken wings

- Put in oven for 40 min

- At 40 min, pull them out of the oven and with tongs flip them all over so the skin side is facing down, then flip them back over so the skin side is facing up 

        - I usually go from one side of the pan flipping them over (e.g. left to right) and then back the same way again (e.g. left to right)

        - This is essentially a "quick baste" - it gets some of the juices that have seeped off them back onto the skin to create a crispiness.  No waiting, this whole process should take like 2-3 minutes.

- Place back in oven for 20 more minutes

- Remove and enjoy at the temperature you prefer (I usually have to let mine sit for ~5 min to cool a bit)

Simple.  But amazing!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

LMOH: Ringing in the New Year

 Happy New Year!  If you’re like me you’ve approached this new year with a little trepidation.  Last year was a lot and while there were some high points for sure, I just find I’m not (to date myself here) “psyched” about celebrating as I used to be.  

That said, I awoke this morning feeling happy and light.  Then I stepped outside into a clear, brisk, and refreshing morning as I let the dogs out.  Then I found my foster, Jet, and our dog, Faye, playing together (which is a rare occurrence - Faye is a corgi and corgi legs are short so Jet, in trying to play, usually swipes her with his long legs and she gets annoyed, so they don’t play much).  But there they were, happy and playing, and I found it warmed my heart.

So who knows?  Maybe this will be an excellent year.  For all of us.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

LMOH: Sending a Kind Word

I know I already posted about the joys of getting a holiday card, and how it's like unwrapping a surprise gift (which we rarely get as an adult).  Well, you know another form of that that doesn't have to wait for the once-a-year moment?  Sending a thank you note.  Yes, a hand-written Thank You card is always great, but even a thank you text or email - letting someone know what a great job they did - means the world.  Feel like going the extra mile?  If it's work related, send the compliment to that person's boss and blind copy (e.g. BCC) the person.  It's rare that a boss hears the 'good' things.  Most of the time when they are looped in it's because of complaints.  So this has the added benefit of helping the person out (1) work wise b/c their boss now knows they did something appreciated and (2) personally, because people do more who feel appreciated.  

Hopefully you get a chance to thank someone soon.  And even maybe get one yourself!  Cheers!

Friday, December 13, 2024

New Post Categories - Streamlining the Experience

 Ok, so I realized that I have a lot of interests, and I enjoy sharing thoughts and insight with you all on an array of topics.  That said, when I take a step back and think about the "array" it's possible to narrow the topics into 3 categories, and moving forward I will be doing that to help you all have a more positive interaction with my posts by knowing right away what the topic covers!

So what I will do is put in the title one of the following:

- Food: (these topics will cover food items such as recipes, thoughts, experiences, etc)

- LMOH: (Short for Little Moments of Happiness - cementing my belief that life's joy or moments of awe and inspiration can happen in the littlest of things or events.)

- AOT: (All Other Thoughts - delving into the other areas of  intrigue, query, curiosity, and thought, helping to showcase well-roundedness and interest in all potential facets of life).

I hope that this new mechanism of categorization helps improve your experience in following and returning to my blog!  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Joy of Holiday Cards

Growing up I never fully appreciated holiday cards, but as an adult, it's become a little magical, getting this individually wrapped surprise gift in the mail.  Maybe it's just me, but I don't get a lot of good surprises in the mail, lest as an adult in general, so I've come to find this little cardboard of happiness is really just that - happy!

We even have a card holder so we can display them until after the holiday season is over.  Some people splurge on fancy, double sided photo cards.  Others send canned cards you might find at any holiday store.  Doesn't matter.  I love putting them on the card holder all the same.  (Except glitter.  Please don't send me glitter.  That stuff never comes off!)

So I have to admit, knowing how much I enjoy getting holiday cards, it always makes me smile to hear from those who receive ours that they, too, brought a smile to their faces.

Never underestimate the power of a kind, little gesture.  We could all use a few more of them, I'm sure, and they always mean the world.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Remember Gratitude

 I see a lot of memes and gifs about how stressful 2024 has been and how it appears the end of the road maybe isn't near.  I'd probably agree to an extent.  Lately I've been very stressed.  Sure, I have some coping mechanisms (deep breathing, listening to the sounds of the ocean, vegging out in front of the TV likely to something I've already seen so it doesn't give me more anxiety, walking, etc etc), but one thing I find always kind of resets my brain is focusing on the things for which I am grateful.

If you've done this before, you're probably nodding along.  Things like Gratitude Journals now exist in the common vernacular in a way they didn't even 10 or 20 years ago.  If you're not used to thinking or speaking aloud the things that make you grateful, you're probably rolling your eyes a bit or going "yeah, sure."  But, no, really! There's even science behind it!

Expressing gratitude actually helps wire the brain to focus more on the good in your life.  So when you're feeling particularly stressed, frustrated, annoyed, or even low... after a good vent (because who doesn't love a good venting session?!)... make sure to say aloud (or at least to yourself) at least one thing you're grateful for.  It doesn't even have to be big.  It can be as simple as "I had coffee this morning".  But you get the idea.  

Feeling adventurous?? Go for three things you're grateful for, if you can!  Heck, even five!!  The point is, it helps.  Really.  And you might find yourself even smiling (but shhh, that can be our little secret).

Friday, October 18, 2024

New Kid's Book Coming Soon - What Ein Prefers!



Coming to Amazon 11/1 (Pre-order available now) - What Ein Prefers is a story about Ein (short for Einstein), a smart and wise corgi, who has learned that the way to enjoy your favorite moments even more is to do them your preferred way.  The story uncovers just what Ein's preferences are and why they're so wonderful!

This comes after a wonderful reception of my first kid's book, What Faye Loves.

There's a kickstarter campaign underway through mid November and an Etsy store (under Last Bite Publishing) for folks who want more "package" prizes and a-la-carte goodies, like the cards and stickers.  PS - for the Etsy store, please give me until Thanksgiving to ship it all, but then after that the normal few business days apply!

Otherwise, the books themselves are orderable through Amazon! always, a portion of the proceeds to back to help local animal rescues.  

I hope you can bring Ein and Faye into your lives and enjoy what they have to offer!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Little Things

 It's turning to fall in the northern hemisphere and the respite from the heat is welcome.  I loved wearing a jacket and pants the other day, the cool breeze on my face.  Aaaaaaaah, fall.

A few other little things I've enjoyed lately:

- a caramel apple

- getting 'fall' dinner plates and bowls that match our halloween salad plates and cups

- mornings in the backyard in the cool breeze

- driving with the windows down again

- pumpkin yummies

What are some of your little enjoyments now that the seasons are changing? 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Home Buying Needs Changes

 I’m not sure about you, but I’m so over the housing market variation in quality.  One of our favorite pastime ones is to go house hunting (because you never know!) but lately it’s just been more frustrating than not.  Our friend is a realtor and after speaking with her, we realized we’re not alone.  Here are some changes I wish the real estate market would make:

(1) require the seller to do a fully inspection before the house goes on the market

- this would help buyers and sellers alike be eyes-wide open with what the state of their house is

- sellers can determine which items they will fix (and list which have been fixed) and which won’t

-  now someone doesn’t fall in love with something only to find out there are tons of problems and then figuring out what will be fixed or not becomes a whole event

(2) create and implement a scale by which the upkeep of the house is defined and incorporate that into the sale price.

- sorry, but just basing it on square footage alone is no longer ok.  I could have a 3000 sq ft house in shambles and another impeccably upkept and they go on the market for the same price?  All that does is frustrate the seller and the buyer because it sets unrealistic expectations.

- instead, create a scale (1-5 or 1-10, don’t care) where 1 is completely in shambles and 5 (or 10) is brand new.  Then, on a scale of 1-5 you have 4 being “like new / well kept”, 3 being “average” and 2 being “needs work”.  Now you factor that into the starting list price and value and, again, eyes wide open.  No one is surprised and MAYBE it would incentivise people to actually maintain their properties.

Share other ideas you have in the comments!  Happy house hunting.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Goodbye, Ein

After almost eleven years together, we sadly had to say goodbye to Ein, our oldest (and first) corgi.  He finally succumbed to his bone cancer and we miss him everyday.  While his book, What Ein Prefers, comes out later this year, (similar to his sister's book, What Faye Loves) the process of healing, I wrote the below poem.  If you've lost a pet, hopefully it brings you peace and solace, too.  They always mean so much to us.


by Stephanie Houser


I remember when we first got you, and how you smiled at me with a great big grin

You were so excited to start a life and know what it meant to be a family, from within

And we watched you grow and play and love all the moments big and small

In fact sometimes it seemed like you really just were in love with it all

You forced us to be better, too, and feel love in a new kind of way

To learn patience and trust and kindness and togetherness each day

And while some days were harder than others, trying even (one could say)

You were always worth it, even if in the moment we may have felt another way

We knew it was getting close to saying goodbye yet we didn’t quite know how 

Because all the days and years that have passed are so special to us now

When you love someone like we loved you, it’s hard to think of letting go

But we knew it was what was best for you because letting you suffer was a big no-no

So when the doctor did what doctors do for dogs when it’s their time

We said goodbye to our best friend and family member, no longer in his prime

And while we’ll miss you forever, my sweet little man, we’ll love you even more

Because it was time to say goodbye and let you walk on through that door

But our memories of you will be carried with us, every one making us smile with all our heart

And we’ll thank you for how wonderful you were, even though now we are apart

Because, my bestest of best friends, you’ll always be my little bear…forever…no matter what

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Pumpkin Cake Cookies!

 Ok, so it’s finally fall and I could not wait anymore until I started making some fall goodies.  However I didn’t have any pumpkin cookie recipes so I went on the hunt.  Happily, I found a recipe but given I had more brown sugar than white sugar and recently found out I’m allergic to cinnamon, I had to make some edits.  Those edits turned out to be amazing!!!!!  Recipe below.  Enjoy!


- 1 stick (1/2c) butter, softened

- 1/2c sugar

- 1c brown sugar

- 1tsp vanilla

- 1 c pumpkin purée (not pumpkin pie purée)

- 1 egg

- 1tsp baking powder

- 1tsp baking soda

- 2.5c flour (I use gluten free)

(You can add cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves as desired, but I didn’t and I loved them.  Very fresh tasting).

Preheat the oven to 350.  Blend the sugar and butter.  Add in vanilla, pumpkin, and egg.  Mix until well blended (you might have what looks like a separated dough but it’s just the pumpkin).  Add in dry ingredients until smooth and well mixed.  

Bake for 15 (to 18) min, but I found 15 to be perfect.

Seriously.  So good.